Award-winning comedy posters & graphic design for the creative arts
Comedy Clients to date (A-Z)
Aaron Simmonds
Ada Campe
Adele Cliff
Alex Hylton
Alexander Bennett
Amanda Nicastro
Andy McBurney & Jack Kirwan
Angie Belcher
Anna Clifford
The Argumentarium Podcast
Athena Kugblenu
Attenborough Arts Centre (Leicester)
AutoSave Podcast
Barbara Nice
Barnaby J Thompson/Kristian D Kirklan
Ben Hart
The Big Comedy Weekend
The Big Difference venue
Big Difference Company (Leic Comedy Fest)
Bob Slayer / Heroes
Bottle Rocket Comedy
Broood (Leicester)
Bruce Edhouse
Canteen / Last Friday (Leicester)
Caroline Ryan
Catherine Bohart
Chambers Management
Character Building Experience
Cheshire Cat Comedy Club (Manchester)
Chris Norton Walker
Clayton Jones
Club Smashing
Comedy & Cocktails (Leicester)
The Cookie (Leicester)
The Criterion (Leicester)
Cultural Comedy Tours
Damian Kingsley
Daniel Nicholas
The Dead Comedian’s Socks (London)
Discerning Nights
Dave McGuckin
Death Himself (Matt West)
Dom Chambers
Doug Deans
Edy Hurst
Elliot Wengler
The Elvis Dead
Eric Rushton
Exchange Comedy Club (Leicester)
Firebug (Leicester)
Flat & The Curves
FlipYou Productions
Foxy Comedy (Leicester)
Freddy Quinne
Freddie Farrell
Friz Frizzle
Funny Beeseness
Gag Reflex
Garden Gigs UK
Gareth Berliner
Gary Powndland & Friends
Graham Milton
Glorious Talent
The Handersons
Hannah East
Hannah Layton Management
Hell To Play
Hollins & Neale Podcast
How’s Your Hang?
Ian Hall
Ingenious Fools
Instant Nostalgia Podcast
Isma Almas
Jack Campbell
Jack Gleadow
Jack Kirwan
Jane Hill
Jason Neale
Jestin At The Western (Leicester)
Joanne Fagon (R.I.P.)
Jody Kamali
Jokes On Us
Jon Pearson
Jonny Cole
Josh James
Josh Pugh
Keith Oliver
Kevin Daniel
Kevin Hudson
Kirsty Munro
Knockembandi Productions
Lee Brace
Lee Peart
Leicester Fridge
Lewys Holt
Liam Webber
Lindsey Warnes Carroll
The Little Theatre (Leicester)
Live at No. 9 (Leicester)
Lost Voice Guy
Louise Atkinson
Lucy Thompson & Thomas Rackham
Manford's Comedy Club
Masai Graham
Matt Hollins
Matt Kinson
Megazone (Leicester)
Midlands Comedy Awards
Monster Comedy
Nabil Abdulrashid
Neil Johnson
NextUp Comedy
Nicholas Holt (not the actor)
Nicole Henriksen
Njambi McGrath
The Noise Next Door
Pat Cahill
Patrick Draper
Paul Currie
Paul Savage
Paul Sullivan PR
Peter Fleming (Tom Burgess)
Phil Kay
President Obonjo
Pretty Evil (Hivemind Theatrical)
Proper Funny Comedy
Rahul Somia
Razmataz Comedy Club (Leicester)
Rob Kemp
Robert White
Rosco McClelland
Sarah Johnson
Sarah Keyworth
Sasha Ellen
Scott Bennett
Shaun Turner
Simon Caine
Sky Studios
SO Comedy
Stephanie Laing
Stevie Gray
Stomping Ground Theatre (Texas)
Thomas Green
Three Way Comedy (Leicester)
Tickled Pink
Tom Little
Twist & Shout Media
The Two Syds
Umby Winters
Wayne Beese
Weird Arseholes
Wygston’s House (Leicester)
Zach Zimmerman
Zahra Barri